Algebraic Structures, Fall 2024

Robot juggling rubik cubes
Group ring
© 2021 Laure Bukh
Used with permission


  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10:00 (Section A)
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 11:00 (Section B)


  • Baker Hall 235A (Section A)
  • Porter Hall A18A (Section B)


The aim of this course is to introduce algebraic structures that pervade mathematics: groups and rings. We will learn what they are, will see many examples, learn how to reason about them. Topics to be covered include permutation groups, abelian groups, cyclic groups, homomorphisms, quotient groups, Sylow theorems, group classification, rings, ring homomorphisms, ideals, integral domains, quotient rings, unique factorization domains, principal ideal domains, and fields.

The prerequisites are being comfortable with reading and writing proofs, and a little of bit of linear algebra.


Office hours:

The office hours will be at 1:00pm–1:55pm on Mondays and 2:00pm–2:50pm on Thursdays in Wean 6202. I am also available by appointment.

TA office hours:

We have two teaching assistants. Each of which holds the office hours, as follows:

Rui Zhou Thursdays 4pm–5pm Wean 7201
Zelong Li Fridays 2pm–3pm Wean 7102

Discussion forum:

We use Piazza discussion forum.

Course activities:

There will be weekly homeworks, two mid-terms and a final. The tentative mid-term dates are October 2nd and November 13th. The final exam will be scheduled by registrar. In case of a final exam conflict, the students are required to inform me and the other involved instructor within one week after the registrar publishes the final exam schedule.

Students are expected to fully participate in the class. To avoid distractions, use of cellular phones (texting, calling, etc) during class is not allowed. Discussions during the lectures are encouraged.

Homework will count for 10% of the grade. The mid-terms will count for 25% each, whereas the final will count for 40%.


Practice is an integral to learning mathematics. You are encouraged to do as much homework as possible on your own; this way you will learn more. Though collaboration is allowed, you must write the solutions yourself. Turning in solutions that you do not understand will be treated as cheating. In particular, you are allowed to use (with a citation) any source, but only if you have read and understood it.

Homework must be neat. Each word must be readable. Anything that you do not want to be graded must be completely crossed out. If in doubt, either re-write solution from scratch or typeset it in LaTeX. Any solution that fails to be neat will receive 0.

If you want to dispute a homework grade, you should do it within five days from the time the grades were released.

The two lowest homework scores will not count towards the final grade.

The homework must be submitted via Gradescope.


All exams are closed book.

If for unforeseeable reason you are unable to take one of the exams, contact me as soon as you are able.

Academic integrity:

Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to,

The default course-level action for violation of academic integrity is an R grade for the course, but more lenient action may be considered depending on the nature of the violation and conduct during the investigation.

If you feel desparate, and are tempted to commit a violation, note that there is probably a better way. Please reach out for support to me, and or to many of the university-wide resources.

Staying sane and healthy:

This is an advanced mathematics course. It is designed to challenge your brain with new and exciting mathematics, not to wear your body down with sleepless nights. Start the assignments early, and get good nutrition and exercise. Pace yourself, for semester is long. If you find yourself falling behind or constantly tired, talk to me.


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